Assessment & Management of Dizziness – Sydney, July 2025

Presented by Dr Alastair Flett, Specialist Musculoskeletal & Vestibular Physiotherapist
3-6 July 2025 (4 days)
Australian Catholic University (Sydney), New South Wales

In addition to our signature courses, Manual Concepts partners with specialist clinicians to offer unique and specialised courses in Australia and internationally.

First time in Sydney!!

Assessment & Management of Dizziness

This course will cover the assessment and treatment of dizziness disorders of peripheral vestibular, central vestibular and non-vestibular origin.

It includes the anatomical, physiological and psychological basis for these disorders, how to take a detailed history and how to instigate optimal targeted management. The course is delivered over 4 days as a mixture of lectures, practical sessions and case studies. It is suitable for clinicians with experience in treating dizziness, but likewise offers a comprehensive overview for those wishing to commence practice in this field.


At the completion of the 4-day program, participants will be conversant in:

  • Vestibular anatomy and physiology
  • Fundamentals of hearing loss and audiometric testing
  • Vestibular pathophysiology
  • Common peripheral vestibular, central vestibular and non-vestibular pathologies
  • How to take a detailed history of the dizzy patient encompassing biopsychosocial principles
  • How to perform a detailed physical examination of the dizzy patient (and when to refer for further investigation)
  • Physiotherapy and medical management of dizziness disorders.

View the course timetable here


Dr Alastair Flett FACP

Alastair has been working as a physiotherapist for over 30 years. He was awarded the title of Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist by the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2013 and has also undertaken extensive training and competency examinations in the field of vestibular physiotherapy.

His clinical practice is exclusively in the assessment and management of dizziness, neck pain, headache and temporomandibular disorders, and his interest is how different systems and biopsychosocial circumstances can interact to generate these problems.

Certificate in Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Therapy (COMT)

Comprehensive Management of the Spine (CMS)

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