Module 3: Physical treatment of cervical disorders

Module 3: Physical treatment of cervical disorders


An Online course to improve evidence-based physical management of cervical neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.



This Online course provides a comprehensive approach to the assessment and management of people with cervical neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.

It includes five video presentations of varying length as well as a short multiple choice quiz covering the course material is provided to evaluate your understanding.

You’ll earn 9 CPD points by completing this course.

Start the course by clicking on the first presentation: 1.1 Introduction to physical treatment of cervical disorders. You can then move on to the next lesson. Please note that lessons must be completed in order. To summarise:

  • Click on the first title (1.1 Introduction)
  • Move to the next section (1.2 Cervical articular evaluation)

Take your time and enjoy the course!

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